

November closed out with an attempted evolved version of American Thanksgiving, so it’s usually the month that gratitude is on people’s radars. I want to dive into gratitude on a grander scale. Gratitude. Gratitude. Being grateful one day or one month of...
Surviving Winter

Surviving Winter

I love the beach. More specifically, beaches in Hawaii, Bali, Greece, the Caribbean… I love the humid air, and how it curls my hair, the saturation of vibrant colors, the clear, blue water, the smell of salt, the sound of waves and wind, the flow of sundresses and...
Shape of Love

Shape of Love

I am grateful for how much life continues to break my heart. Because it shows me ABUNDANCE …of love and strength and resilience. Like an ever growing patchwork quilt, another heartache is sewn on—a badge of honor for my ability to carry on. The little girl...