Shape of Love

Shape of Love

I am grateful for how much life continues to break my heart. Because it shows me ABUNDANCE …of love and strength and resilience. Like an ever growing patchwork quilt, another heartache is sewn on—a badge of honor for my ability to carry on. The little girl...
Women’s Wisdom

Women’s Wisdom

Red Moon I heeded your call I’ve gone Inside every curve of soft, supple skin caressed by the well of deep knowing Sensual radiance for me, alone to fill the chalice of creation Rebirth from a flame found in my belly, in my womb Dark Woman yielding powers of pleasure...
Let It Go

Let It Go

Source energy doesn’t just know the truth it IS Truth. When allowed to operate unencumbered, this beneficent Intelligence acts as a factory reset, bringing everything not just back to homeostasis, balance, but to our Divine origination: Love. And the only way there is...